Marketing Fundamentals 2001-2002 (CIM Coursebook) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Marketing Fundamentals 2001-2002 (CIM Coursebook) Book

'Marketing Fundamentals 2001-2002' is a specifically tailored coursebook for students undertaking the Marketing Fundamentals module of the CIM Certificate. Butterworth-Heinemann have worked closely with the Education Division of the CIM to ensure that all aspects of the text are up-to-date and correspond to the CIM's requirements, making this title the definitive companion to this year's course. Its comprehensive content and user-friendly text layout are designed to facilitate learning, with questions, activities, definitions and study tips to support the theory, while the structured study units link the information directly to the CIM syllabus. The new edition of this text contains:·a firmly international perspective·new material to cover e-marketing issues·new and up to date examples read more...
from£20.99 | RRP: £18.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £58.00
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