Martha Ann's Quilt for Queen Victoria Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Martha Ann's Quilt for Queen Victoria Book

Martha Ann is twelve years old when Papa finally saves enough money to purchase her freedom from slavery. In 1830, the family leaves east Tennessee to begin a new life in Liberia. On market days, Martha Ann watches the British navy patrolling the Liberian coast to stop slave catchers from kidnapping her family and friends and forcing them back into slavery. Martha Ann decides to thank Queen Victoria in person for sending the navy. But first, she must determine how to make the 3,500-mile voyage to England, find a suitable gift for the Queen, and withstand the ridicule of family and friends who learn of her impossible dream. Martha Ann's Quilt for Queen Victoria is the true story of Martha Ann Ricks, an ex-slave who spent fifty years saving spare coins to fulfill her dream of meeting the Queen of England.Read More

from£20.12 | RRP: £10.69
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £15.83
  • 1933285591
  • 9781933285597
  • Kyra E. Hicks, illustrator Lee Edward Fodi
  • 1 December 2006
  • Brown Books Publishing Group
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 32
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