Meet the People with Love Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Meet the People with Love Book

As well as being an incredible stage performer, a brilliant writer and a talented painter, Derren Brown is also a fantastic street photographer. Here, for the first time, is a selection of his work. As he writes of his passion: 'Street photography is a fitting refuge for those who look at life from a distance. It both sanctifies our remoteness (by offering the standpoint of the observer) and challenges it, insisting we approach with a spritely curiosity. It offers a safe route back into the world: the camera is an entry ticket to daunting social situations and extraordinary environments where we might otherwise feel entirely out of place. Suddenly we have a role: a reason to be present. And for those of us smitten by its appeal, it provides a means of fortifying and forgetting ourselves, while extending out into the world with a controlled compassion.'Read More

from£19.65 | RRP: £
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £16.48
  • Foyles

    ____________ As well as being an incredible stage performer, a brilliant writer and a talented painter, Derren Brown is also a fantastic street photographer.

  • 178763082X
  • 9781787630826
  • Brown, Derren
  • 6 September 2018
  • Bantam Press
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 112
  • Book
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