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Memoirs of a London Doll (Classic Reprint) Book
VnEN I was a girl, taking many a longjourney in the land of storybooks, my favoritestories were of two kinds. One was about boysand girls who lived in the country, spendinglong, happy days wading in rollicking brooks,riding on fragrant loads of hay, picking hlueberries,playing in ,the gr~a ~ ~HI,:n �. l!'tl~inA' petsof turtles and ficfci 'mic~'~nJ:' ~ll' ~~ts of crea- � I 1 � ~tures. The reason I, ~9C~?'}~: lov~d' these storieswas because, in summor, -1' ~'as 'u, country girlmyself, on the be~u tj~f.llI: ,,:lf.~~~~:chitsetts farmof my gl·cat-great-g;·~·ndfu,thc)~s. I loved tohear my mother tell stories of her girlhood,about her good times with the bo)'s and girlsof the 1 i t.He red schoolhouse, about singingschool :'nd cattle show and sugaring off andendless pleasures delightfully unlike those ofvAbout the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the difficult to read text. Read books online for free at www.forgottenbooks.orgRead More
from£10.65 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £35.89
- 1440049424
- 9781440049422
- R. H. Horne
- 8 April 2010
- Forgotten Books
- Paperback (Book)
- 200
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