Memory Scanner: Scanning for the Truth Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Memory Scanner: Scanning for the Truth Book

Jessie Wright will take you on a journey which challenges the current Justice System, with its flaws and loopholes, a journey seeking to revamp an anachronistic system which has served us for decades, but is no longer relevant in our modern world. A system which panders to the rich and famous, yet neglects the poor; a system that is too slow and faulty; a system that should no longer be toleratedMeet Steven Jones, a successful attorney and Ellie Powell, a neurology professor, both of whom suffer personal tragedy and loss and become victims of a faulty justice system. Both of them are on separate quests to overhaul that system. One day their paths crossRead More

from£17.72 | RRP: £12.60
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £95.59
  • 1606048686
  • 9781606048689
  • Jessie Wright
  • 27 January 2009
  • Tate Publishing & Enterprises
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 464
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