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Meteorology: The Atmosphere and Science of Weather Book
For one-semester, freshman/sophomore-level courses in Weather and Climate, Atmospheric Science, Meteorology, and found in departments of geography, geology, and earth and atmospheric science.Designed for non-science majors with little background in science or mathematics. The text integrates atmospheric aspects of contemporary environmental concerns with traditional coverage of the basics of meteorology/climatology and, at the same time, introduces students to the nature of scientific inquiry and the methodology of science.Read More
from£67.48 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £22.92
- 0132667010
- 9780132667012
- Joseph M. Moran, Michael D. Morgan
- 27 December 1996
- Prentice Hall
- Hardcover (Book)
- 530
- 5
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