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Meyler's Side Effects of Cardiovascular Drugs Book
Enables practitioners to prescribe preventative treatments with medications such as blood pressure reducers aspirin and cholesterol-lowering drugs as well as drugs used for more aggressive therapy. This book offers cross referencing of drug-drug interactions and includes references to primary and secondary literature.Read More
from£34.29 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £36.77
Each year, heart disease kills more people than cancer. Patients are treated by a variety of specialties and primary care practitioners, depending on the organ system involved. This volume will enable practitioners to assess the adverse effects of...
- 0444532684
- 9780444532688
- Jeffrey K. Aronson MA DPhil MBChB FRCP FBPharmacolS FFPM(Hon)
- 15 December 2008
- Elsevier Science
- Hardcover (Book)
- 840
- 1
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