Bored of visiting the same UN-recognised countries? Ready to explore somewhere unique and perhaps a little wacky? want to add some really rare stamps to your passport? Then let Lonely Planet's guide to home made nations take you to a bunch of places you've never heard of. Micronations takes a curious look at some of the most curious places on the planet. Designed to generate interest in the strange world out there, this is a fully illustrated, humourous mock guidebook to the nations people create in their own backyards. A global selection of micronations are profiled with facts and figures, cultural information, Things to See & Do, Getting There & Away, and interviews with the quirky characters who've set themselves up as presidents, emperors and serene
… read more...highnesses. The book also features full colour photographs and sections detailing the historical, philosophical and most definitely satirical aspects of the micronation phenomenon. For lovers of humour, trivia and ephemera, this is a gift book, a reference text and a travel guide rolled into one.Read More read less...