Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Book

Four years on The New York Times bestseller listRead More

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  • TheBookPeople

    Genteel society ladies who compare notes on their husbands' suicides. A hilariously foul-mouthed black drag queen. A voodoo priestess who works her roots in the graveyard at midnight. A morose inventor who owns a bottle of poison powerful enough to kill everyone in town. A prominent antiques dealer who hangs a Nazi flag from his window to disrupt the shooting of a movie. And a redneck gigolo whose conquests describe him as a 'walking streak of sex'. These are some of the real residents of Savannah, Georgia, a city whose eccentric mores are unerringly observed - and whose dirty linen is gleefully aired - in this utterly irresistible book. At once a true-crime murder story and a hugely entertaining and deliciously perverse travelogue, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is as bracing and intoxicating as half-a-dozen mint juleps.

  • BookDepository

    Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil : Paperback : Hodder & Stoughton : 9780340992852 : : 03 Sep 2009 : Four years on The New York Times bestseller list

  • 0340992859
  • 9780340992852
  • John Berendt
  • 3 September 2009
  • Sceptre
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 400
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