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Mind of Jesus Book
Jesus suffered, doubted, hoped, feared, dreamed, wept, knew loneliness, planned, and built. William Barclay achieves in The Mind of Jesus his aim "to make the figure of Jesus more vividly alive, so that we may know him better and love him more." More than a study of the historical Jesus, this book radiates the author's devotion to him and breathes a real, compassionate understanding of the Christ who walked among and suffered for common humanity. Barclay's enthusiasm quickly draws the Jesus. Written in a vivid, immediate, almost conversational style, The Mind of Jesus conveys with fresh impact the complete humanity and perfect divintiy that evokes Barclay's -- and ultimately the reader's -- wholehearted devotion.Read More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0334010144
- 9780334010142
- William Barclay
- 1 December 1960
- SCM-Canterbury Press Ltd
- Paperback (Book)
- 192
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