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Ministry Resources for Youth Leadership Development (Total Youth Ministry) CD
Ministry Resources for Youth Leadership Development offers faith communities the resources and strategies to develop youth as leaders within youth ministry programs and parishes.The manual includes four foundational sessions on Christian leadership, ten sessions and mini-sessions on leadership skills, and two mini-sessions to help prepare youth and adults for working together.The manual also offers strategies for using the activities, sessions, and mini-sessions to create day-long, weekend-long, and year-long training programs for youth; for creating leadership roles within the parish; for inviting youth to leadership; and for working with the parents of youth leaders. Each manual in the Total Youth Ministry series includes a CD containing its electronic version, customizable handouts, and theme-related links. CD System Requirements Intel® Pentium II® processor Microsoft® Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT® 4.0 with Service Pack 6, Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2, Windows XP Professional or Home Edition, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 64MB of RAM (128 MB recommended) 800 x 600 or higher screen resolution Adobe Reader 6.0 60MB of available hard-disk space (for installation of Adobe Reader 6.0) Multi-read CD-ROM drive Internet Explorer 5.01 or 5.5 or Explorer 6.0 or 6.1Read More
from£34.60 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £13.36
- 0884897699
- 9780884897699
- Ann Marie Eckert
- 25 March 2004
- St Mary's Press,U.S.
- 205
- Pap/Cdr
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