Modern Anthropology of Southeast Asia Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Modern Anthropology of Southeast Asia Book

This is the first comprehensive introduction to the social and cultural anthropology of South-East Asia. It provides an overview of the major theoretical issues and themes which have emerged from the engagement of anthropologists with South-East Asian communities; a succinct historical survey and analysis of the peoples and cultures of the region. Most importantly the volume reveals the vitally important role which the study of the area has occupied in the development of the concepts and methods of anthropology: from the perspectives of Edmund Leach to Clifford Geertz, Maurice Freedman to Claude Levi-Strauss; Lauriston Sharp to Melford Spiro.Read More

from£51.14 | RRP: £28.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.95
  • 0415297524
  • 9780415297523
  • Victor T. King, William D. Wilder
  • 14 November 2002
  • Routledge
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 416
  • 1
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