Money: A Suicide Note Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Money: A Suicide Note Book

Absolutely one of the funniest, smartest, meanest books I know. John Self, the Rabelaisian narrator of the novel, is an advertising man and director of TV commercials who lurches through London and Manhattan, eating, drinking, drugging and smoking too much, buying too much sex, and caring for little else besides getting the big movie deal that will make him lots of money. Hey, it was the '80s. Most importantly, however, Amis in Money musters more sheer entertainment power in any single sentence than most writers are lucky to produce in a career.Read More

from£19.44 | RRP: £10.69
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £62.75
  • Product Description

    The story of John Self and his insatiable appetite for money, alcohol, drugs, porn and more. Ceaselessly inventive and thrillingly savage, it is a tale of life lived without restraint; of money and the disasters it can precipitate.

  • 0670804401
  • 9780670804405
  • Martin Amis
  • 1 March 1985
  • Viking Pr
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 363
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