Monte Carlo Primer: Volume 2: v. 2 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Monte Carlo Primer: Volume 2: v. 2 Book

This book is a companion volume to its predecessor, A Monte Carlo Primer, A Practical Approach to Radiation Transport. As indicated by its title, this volume provides solutions to the exercises in the Primer. However, it also provides a great deal more. Each of the exercises is discussed in detail and, where appropriate, is repeatedly solved using a variety of techniques and approaches. Many of the exercises are deceptively simple, and the reader is led through the thought processes that unravel this simplicity and show the depth of insight that can be obtained by careful analysis. Emphasis is placed on offering the reader a clear and thorough development of the knowledge and insights that can be gained by solving each problem and, as emphasized in the Primer, on the need to confirm that the particle tracking that is the basis of each candidate solution has adequately sampled the regions of phase space that are important to the result. This volume is a useful and valuable companion to the Primer and offers the reader the opportunity to pursue the topics presented in the Primer to greater depth than was possible in that volume. A compact disc containing all of the software presented in both the Primer and the Solutions is included in this volume for the convenience of the user.Read More

from£28.84 | RRP: £132.50
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £207.82
  • 0306485036
  • 9780306485039
  • Stephen A. Dupree, Stanley K. Fraley
  • 8 June 2004
  • Springer
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 242
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