When Messages from Michael was first published more than thirty years ago, there was a demand for more of the information. A second book, More Messages from Michael was published soon after. Out of print for more than a decade, More Messages from Michael joins the Caelum Press twenty-fifth anniversary edition of Messages from Michael in this updated twenty-fifth anniversary edition from Caelum Press. In More Messages from Michael, Mid-Causal entity Michael delves more deeply into life choices, reincarnation, the working of the soul's evolution, and the nature of living. Michael answers many questions ranging from the most mundane to the highly esoteric. Michael's teaching, which remains consistent to this day, is both practical and unearthly, delivered with dry wit and idiosyncratic
… read more...English, filled with insights, information, and a unique perspective that has kept people coming back for more for over three decades. Just keep in mind Michael's admonitions, Belief is not required, All is chosen, and All choices are equally valid, and you may find that Michael's teaching has a message for you.Read More read less...