Mothership (Gollancz S.F.) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Mothership (Gollancz S.F.) Book

Since the Day of Wonder, when all the electric lights stopped working, there have been rumors of unrest in the neighboring domainsâ??and no one has seen any of the Elite, the ruthless technocrat class that have ruled Urba for centuries. What most of the inhabitants don't realize is that their world of Urba is actually a giant spacecraft, an ark built more than a thousand years ago to save as much of the Earth's population as possible before the sun went nova. The Elite were originally the ship's crew, but as the centuries passed, they became decadent, corrupt, and cruel, and the truth about Urba became hidden. And now Jad and the courageous Prince are about to find out what happened to the Eliteâ??and what's happening to the people of Urba.Read More

from£6.01 | RRP: £10.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.80
  • 0575074922
  • 9780575074927
  • John Brosnan
  • 19 February 2004
  • Gollancz
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 384
  • paperback / softback
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