Music of the Mind: An Adventure into Consciousness Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Music of the Mind: An Adventure into Consciousness Book

Blending exciting scientific concepts with an Eastern sense of destiny, this book takes the reader on a journey into consciousness and provides convincing answers to unanswerable questions about life, death, and beyond. At the instant of creation, the universe possessed an absolute unity and symmetry it has not experienced since, and all matter carries a memory of that perfection and yearns to recover it. We are part of this deep cosmic consciousness, from life to death, and into an afterlife that is as essential to our being as the physical life we leave behind. Embracing science, philosophy, mysticism, and religion, this view opens our eyes to the meaning of existence and clarifies our role in the vastness of creation. Read More

from£14.83 | RRP: £10.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.13
  • 0285632884
  • 9780285632882
  • Darryl Reanney
  • 7 September 1995
  • Souvenir Press Ltd
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 192
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