My Dear Child: Listening to God's Heart (Hodder Christian Books) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

My Dear Child: Listening to God's Heart (Hodder Christian Books) Book

These inspired meditations reveal the true heart of God's love for us, and will help us understand some of the deeper mysteries of his nature.Says Colin Urquhart: 'The Lord wanted to open his heart to me about himself, revealing several aspects of his nature - not only about love, grace and mercy, but also about wrath, justice and judgement. I now have a greater understanding of who God is and the nature of his love for each of his children. Through this book I believe many will experience God speaking to their hearts concerning issues which are of deep and immediate concern to them.'Read More

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  • Blackwell

    A ground-breaking, prophetic book from one of the world's best-loved Christian leaders and writers. These inspired meditations reveal the true heart of God's love for us, and will help us understand some of the deeper mysteries of his nature.

  • BookDepository

    My Dear Child : Paperback : John Murray Press : 9780340536421 : 034053642X : 19 Jul 1990 : A ground-breaking, prophetic book from one of the world's best-loved Christian leaders and writers.

  • ASDA

    A ground-breaking prophetic book from one of the world's best-loved Christian leaders and writers.

  • 034053642X
  • 9780340536421
  • Colin Urquhart
  • 19 July 1990
  • Hodder & Stoughton
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 288
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