My Voice Will Go with You: Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erikson Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

My Voice Will Go with You: Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erikson Book

Milton H. Erickson has been called the most influential hypnotherapist of our time. Part of his therapy was his use of teaching tales, which through shock, surprise, or confusion—with genius use of questions, puns, and playful humor—helped people to see their situations in a new way. In this book Sidney Rosen has collected over one hundred of the tales. Presented verbatim and accompanied by Dr. Rosen's commentary, they are grouped under such headings as Motivating Tales, Reframing, and Capturing the Innocent Eye.Read More

from£12.21 | RRP: £9.50
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  • Blackwell

    Milton H. Erikson has been called the most influential hypnotherapist of our time. Closely related to his therapy was his use of teaching tales. Calling upon shock, surprise, confusion--with generous use of questions, puns, and playful humor-...

  • BookDepository

    My Voice Will Go with You : Paperback : WW Norton & Co : 9780393301359 : 0393301354 : 15 May 1991 : "A chalice of wisdom for our time.""-Ernest L. Rossi, Ph.D., C.J. Jung Institute of Los Angeles"

  • 0393301354
  • 9780393301359
  • Milton H Erickson, Sidney Rosen
  • 15 May 1991
  • W. W. Norton & Co.
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 256
  • New edition
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