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Mythology (Eyewitness Companions) Book
Mythology is a fascinating introduction to the culturally diverse world of mythology, illustrated with stunning photographs of masks, jewellery, gods, heroes and monsters that feature throughout the book.With in-depth information from supernatural powers of the gods and the mystical powers of the shamans to the story behind the stunning beaver mask and why Romulus and Remus were reared by a wolf, Mythology offers an intriguing insight into an intriguing world. Age 9 and over. --Susan HarrisonRead More
from£16.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.34
Tells the story behind famous tales, from Greek mythology to the lesser known myths from the Americas, Oceania and Africa. This work takes a fresh look at the great stories, epics, and legends of the past.
Philip Wilkinson, Neil Philip
- 1405318201
- 9781405318204
- Philip Wilkinson, Neil Philip
- 6 September 2007
- Dorling Kindersley
- Hardcover (Book)
- 352
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