NOSH for Students: A Fun Student Cookbook - NEW Edition: A Fun Student Cookbook - Photo with Every Recipe Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

NOSH for Students: A Fun Student Cookbook - NEW Edition: A Fun Student Cookbook - Photo with Every Recipe Book

This is the 6th edition of NOSH for Students, a book originally inspired by the author's son, Ben, who left for university with no cooking skills. Toasted sandwiches and Mars bars were his staple diet, but these didn't serve him too well! What was needed to encourage him to cook was an easily attainable taste of home, oh, and pictures with every recipe! NOSH for Students was born. Since then, Joy has helped nearly half a million students get cooking with her straightforward and simple approach. Joy helps to take the chore out of cooking, giving students a taste of success and making the experience so much fun.Read More

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  • BookDepository

    NOSH NOSH for Students : Paperback : inTRADE(GB) Ltd : 9780993260988 : 0993260985 : 14 Dec 2020 : Inspired by her son, who left for university with no cooking skills, Joy May wrote NOSH for Students a simple cookbook specifically for students. What was needed was an easily attainable taste of home, oh, and pictures with every recipe! Joy helps to take the chore out of cooking, giving students a taste of success and fun in the kitchen.

  • 0993260985
  • 9780993260988
  • Joy May
  • 7 December 2020
  • inTRADE(GB) Ltd
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 224
  • 6th New edition
  • Book
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