Neighbours or Enemies?: Germans, the Baltic and Beyond (On the Boundary of Two Worlds: Identity, Freedom, & Moral Imagination in the Baltics) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Neighbours or Enemies?: Germans, the Baltic and Beyond (On the Boundary of Two Worlds: Identity, Freedom, & Moral Imagination in the Baltics) Book

This is the first attempt to redress the injustice done to the memory of German minorities by the popular equation of 'Lebensraum' and Nazism; minorities, many of whom chose to be neighbours rather than enemies and who over time peacefully shared with other nationalities the territorial space east of the Reich. Their borderland experiences, particularly in the Baltic region, the historic interface between East and West, are all the more relevant as Hitler's regime recedes into the past and Europe seeks to renew itself in the wake of the Cold War.Read More

from£24.00 | RRP: £23.57
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £36.65
  • 904202349X
  • 9789042023499
  • John Hiden, Martyn Housden
  • 10 January 2008
  • Editions Rodopi B.V.
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 164
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