Noble House: A Novel of Contemporary Hong Kong Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Noble House: A Novel of Contemporary Hong Kong Book

?Clavell?s biggest triumph yet . . . storytelling done with dash and panache . . . a rousing read.??Washington Post The setting is Hong Kong, 1963. The action spans scarcely more than a week, but these are days of high adventure: from kidnapping and murder to financial double-dealing and natural catastrophes?fire, flood, landslide. Yet they are days filled as well with all the mystery and romance of Hong Kong?the heart of Asia? rich in every trade. . . money, flesh, opium, power. Praise for ...Read More

from£N/A | RRP: £6.23
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  • Product Description

    Under the eyes of the KGB, the CIA, and the People's Republic of China, British and American businessmen maneuver for control of Hong Kong's oldest trading house. Reissue.

  • 0440164842
  • 9780440164845
  • James Clavell
  • 1 June 1993
  • Dell Publishing Company
  • Mass Market Paperback (Book)
  • 1376
  • Reissue
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