Numerical Recipes Example Book C: C. Example Bk Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Numerical Recipes Example Book C: C. Example Bk Book

Contains all the source code for the routines and examples from Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN 77 (Second Edition), Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN 90, Numerical Recipes in C (Second Edition), Numerical Recipes in Pascal, and Numerical Recipes Routines and Examples in BASIC plus the SLATEC library of over 1400 mathematical and statistical routines. Includes a licence to use all the code on one screen of a UNIX workstation.Read More

from£26.93 | RRP: £19.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.70
  • Product Description

    This new edition contains the latest versions of the routines but written in the C programming language. The book covers scientific applications, dynamic memory allocation, modularization, pointer references to matrices, structured programming and other topics and has an accompanying diskette.

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