Nurturing Your Teenager's Soul: A Practical Approach to Raising a Kind, Honorable, Compassionate Teen Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Nurturing Your Teenager's Soul: A Practical Approach to Raising a Kind, Honorable, Compassionate Teen Book

In Nurturing Your Teenager's Soul Mimi Doe presents ten clear, concrete principles to help parents nurture their teen's spiritual growth, at a time when teens face sometimes-overwhelming peer influences, the hazards of substance abuse, issues of sexuality, the risks and freedoms of driving, the stress of high school, and getting into a good college. The inspirational, non-denominational principles in this book show parents how to: - Use their words to profoundly affect their children's lives - Listen fully and connect with their teen - Nurture their teenager's dreams--and make miracles happen - Negotiate the balance between being a pal and a parent - Support their adolescent in becoming a successful adult Nurturing Your Teenager's Soul will help parents in ways greater than they ever thought possible-to give their teenager the spiritual resources he or she will need to become a safe, and happy adult.Read More

from£71.97 | RRP: £11.05
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £11.03
  • 0399530282
  • 9780399530289
  • Mimi Doe
  • 20 November 2004
  • Perigee Books
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 320
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