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Oh, Freedom!: Kids Talk about the Civil Rights Movement with the People Who Made it Happen Book
Now in paperback--a personal look at the civil rights movement of the 1950sand '60s told through dozens of interviews conducted by Washington, D.C.,fourth graders with their parents, grandparents, neighbors, and others whohelped fight the battle against segregation and changed the course of history.With a foreword by Rosa Parks, three introductory essays, and over 40 archivalphotographs, this thoughtful, compelling, and educational book pays tribute tothe many ordinary people who dedicated themselves to the cause of freedom andthe fight for equality. "This book is important for the stories it tells, thepictures it shows, and especially for its prevailing message."--SchoolLibrary Journal (starred review)"The essays are sophisticated...but theinterviews will grab elementary-grade readers."--Booklist"This is mustreading for all who are interested in America's struggle for racial justice,then and now."--Henry Louis Gates, Jr.Read More
from£15.17 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.69
- 067989005X
- 9780679890058
- Casey King, Linda Barrett Osborne
- 1 January 1998
- Random House USA Children's Books
- Paperback (Book)
- 144
- Reprint
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