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On Bereavement: The Culture of Grief (Facing Death) Book
Should the bond with the dead be continued or broken? What is clear is that the grieving individual is not left in a social vacuum but has to struggle with expectations from self family friends professionals and academic theorists. This book applies sociological insights to one of the most personal of human situations.Read More
from£27.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.95
This book looks at the social position of the bereaved. They find themselves cuaght between the living and the dead, sometimes searching for guidelines in a de-ritualized society that has few to offer, sometimes finding their grief inappropriately...
- 033520080X
- 9780335200801
- Walter
- 1 October 1999
- Open University Press
- Paperback (Book)
- 232
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