On Foot to the Golden Horn: A Walk to Istanbul Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

On Foot to the Golden Horn: A Walk to Istanbul Book

Though classified as a travel book, On Foot to the Golden Horn could just as easily fall under history. Don't roll your eyes: it is the story of an incredible voyage, full of encounters with fascinating people and landscapes. But its backdrop is one of the most important historical moments of the late 20th century--Eastern Europe at the beginning of the 1990s. Goodwin's motives initially had nothing to do with this moment: fascinated by the history of Istanbul, he vows to reach the place as a visitor would have during its Byzantine heyday--on foot. As a result, he and his friends find themselves tramping through Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria as the Iron Curtain falls all around them. Goodwin's arduous journey proves an excellent allegory for the struggles these nations faced as the Eastern bloc crumbled, the combination of backbreaking hardship and a faint glimmer of hope, almost impossibly far off in the distance. As a result, Goodwin is able to seamlessly fuse the rich and checkered past of the lands around him to the tales of his own struggle towards the Istanbul of his imagination. The result is an experience that would be impossible to duplicate. Since his visit, eastern Europe has undergone sweeping changes; we will never have the chance to visit the lands that he saw. But thanks to Goodwin's skill and diligence, we have the next best thing. --Andrew Nieland Read More

from£19.50 | RRP: £11.53
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £12.66
  • Product Description

    On Foot to the Golden Horn recounts Jason Goodwin’s breathtaking journey with two companions through Eastern Europe from the dikes and marshes of Poland’s Baltic coast across to the Golden Horn in Istanbul. Along the way, they sleep in haystacks, drink with Gypsies, and play with Ceaucescu’s orphans, meeting with blatant hostility and overwhelming hospitality as an older Europe tries to settle with itself, and a new one struggles to be born. It is the story of three friends’ walk through some of the world’s most beautiful and tragic places, and of their encounters with a varied and vivid cast of characters.

  • 0312420676
  • 9780312420673
  • Jason Goodwin
  • 1 January 2003
  • Picador USA
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 288
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