On Identity Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

On Identity Book

Paperback. Pub Date: July. 2000 Pages: 192 in Publisher: Random House UK of The notion of identity - personal. Religious withethnic or national - is the one that has given rise to heated passions and crimes throughout the history of mankind What it is that makes each one of us unique and dissimilar to any other individual has been one of the fundamental questions of philosophy from Socrates to Freud. In this important series of reflections. the author. a Lebanese who now lives in France. where he is a well -known writer and commentator. considers how we define ourselves and how identity is understood in the world's different cultures.Read More

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  • Foyles

    The notion of identity - personal, religious, ethnic or national - is one that has given rise to heated passions and crimes throughout the history of mankind. What it is that makes each one of us unique and dissimilar to any other individual has been one of the fundamental questions of philosophy from Socrates to Freud.In this important series of reflections, the author, a Lebanese who now lives in France, where he is a well-known writer and commentator, considers how we define ourselves and how identity is understood in the world's different cultures.

  • ASDA

    A lucid enquiry into the precise meaning of identity - that which makes each of us unique and dissimilar to any other individual. In this series of reflections the author considers how we define ourselves and what identity has meant and continues to mean in different cultures.

  • BookDepository

    On Identity : Paperback : Vintage Publishing : 9781860467295 : 1860467296 : 19 Oct 2000 : The notion of identity - personal, religious, ethnic or national - is one that has given rise to heated passions and crimes throughout the history of mankind.

  • 1860467296
  • 9781860467295
  • Amin Maalouf
  • 19 October 2000
  • Harvill P.
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 192
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