On the Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time: Situationist International, 1957-72 (Inst of Contemporary Art, Boston) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

On the Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time: Situationist International, 1957-72 (Inst of Contemporary Art, Boston) Book

Texts by Peter Wollen, Greil Marcus, Tom Levin, Mark Francis, Elisabeth Sussman, Mirella Bandini, and Troels Anderson. These photographs, essays, drawings, and original texts document the rich agit-art legacy of the Situationist International, a group of European artists and writers who emerged from such avant-garde movements as COBRA, Lettrisme, and the Imaginary Bauhaus and from the breakup of surrealism to launch a strategy of art as cultural critique. The SI's attempt to transform everyday life through paintings, films, manifestos, posters, pamphlets, maquettes, acts, and agitations culminated in the 1968 student uprising in Paris and shifted the focus of the situationist platform from aesthetic concerns to political instigation. Elisabeth Sussman describes the significance of read more...
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