On the Trail of Mary, Queen of Scots: A visitor’s guide to the castles, palaces and houses associated with the life of Mary, Queen of Scots Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

On the Trail of Mary, Queen of Scots: A visitor’s guide to the castles, palaces and houses associated with the life of Mary, Queen of Scots Book

Mary Queen of Scots is one of the great tragic figures of British history. Born in Scotland one December morning in 1542 she was to become Queen of Scots just six days later. Growing up mostly in France and marrying the French king Francis II in 1559 she returned to Scotland on his death a widow at age eighteen. Four years later she married Henry Stuart Lord Darnley but their miserable union ended with his murder and her subsequent marriage to his alleged killer the Earl of Bothwell. Forced by rebellion to flee south to England she was confined by her cousin Queen Elizabeth I in various manor houses and castles before eighteen years on being executed on her cousin's orders. On the Trail of Mary Queen of Scots takes you on a journey through the landscape of Mary's time. On her trail you will visit resplendent castles towering cathedrals manor homes and chapels associated with Mary. Each location is brought to life through engaging narrative and an extensive collection of photographs and imagesRead More

from£16.00 | RRP: £20.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £8.78
  • TheBookPeople

    Mary, Queen of Scots is one of the great tragic figures of British history. Born in Scotland one December morning in 1542, she was to become Queen of Scots just six days later. Growing up mostly in France and marrying the sickly French king Francis II in 1559, she returned to Scotland on his death, a widow at the age of eighteen. Four years later she married Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, but their miserable union ended with his murder and her subsequent marriage to his alleged killer, the Earl of Bothwell. Forced by rebellion to flee south to England, she was confined by her cousin Queen Elizabeth I in various manor houses and castles before, eighteen years later, being executed on her cousin's orders. On the Trail of Mary, Queen of Scots takes the reader on a journey through the landscape of Mary's time. In her footsteps we will visit resplendent castles, towering cathedrals, manor homes, chapels and ruins associated with Mary. Each location is brought to life through an engaging narrative and a collection of photographs and works of art.

  • 1445659425
  • 9781445659428
  • Roy Calley
  • 15 November 2017
  • Amberley Publishing
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 320
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