One Hundred Shoes Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

One Hundred Shoes Book

When are 100 shoes too many? When you're a centipede! And what do you do with too many shoes? Why, you give them away! Find out to whom in this picture book about a centipede with sore feet. Can you spot the beetle with seven legs?Read More

from£4.99 | RRP: £6.99
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  • TheBookPeople

    When a centipede trips over, and hurts his foot, the only thing for him to do is obtain a set of shoes for all of his feet ...That is a lot of shoes! Now it could take him longer to get dressed than to do anything else. So, after a rethink, he shares his shoes amongst various neighbours: beetles, spiders, earwigs and other creatures. Count up the number of feet, and find out whether he manages to get rid of all his shoes! (Do you think he started with 100 in the beginning?)

  • BookDepository

    Centipede's 100 Shoes : Paperback : Andersen Press Ltd : 9781842702840 : 184270284X : 29 May 2003 : When a centipede trips over, and hurts his foot, the only thing for him to do is obtain a set of shoes for all of his feet . So, after a rethink, he shares his shoes amongst various neighbours: beetles, spiders, earwigs and other creatures. Count up the number of feet, and find out whether he manages to get rid of all his shoes!

  • 184270284X
  • 9781842702840
  • Tony Ross
  • 29 May 2003
  • Andersen Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 32
  • New Ed
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