One Size Does Not Fit All Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

One Size Does Not Fit All Book

In the day to day grind of higher education administration, student affairs professionals know that different institutional types--whether a small liberal arts college, a doctoral intensive institution, or a community college--require different practical approaches. Despite this, most student affairs literature emphasizes a "one size fits all" approach to practice. In this book, leading scholars Kathleen Manning, Jillian Kinzie, and John Schuh advocate a new approach by presenting thirteen possible models of student affairs practice. These models are based on a qualitative, multi-institutional case study research project involving 20 institutions of higher education varying by type, size and mission. By accessibly presenting different types of intuitions that have all experienced high levels of student engagement and graduation rates the authors set out to discover the policies, practices, and programs that can contribute to student success.Read More

from£47.23 | RRP: £26.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.42
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