Operations: Sophie Ristelhueber Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Operations: Sophie Ristelhueber Book

Presents metaphorical landscapes in war-torn places like Beirut Kuwait Bosnia and Iraq since 1982 that record the violence inflicted on the surface of the earth by the machinery of war. This book engages with the ambiguities of what the author calls the terrain of the real and of collective emotions.Read More

from£37.80 | RRP: £28.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £73.02
  • Blackwell

    In Sophie Ristelhueber's artworks and installations, the photographed landscape appears in fragments: damaged, rent, pockmarked. These traces of history and conflict, which the artist calls 'details of the world', are like scars on a body...

  • Pickabook

    Sophie Ristelhueber, Bruno Latour, David Mellor

  • 0500093490
  • 9780500093498
  • Sophie Ristelhueber, Bruno Latour
  • 13 April 2009
  • Thames & Hudson
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 448
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