Opium is one of the most evocative words in the English language. It is derived from the ancient Greek word for the sap of the poppy pod (?opion?) but in its long history it has changed from being seen as a Gift from the Gods to the Scourge of Modern Society and yet paradoxically both statements are true. Opium and its derivatives are, it seems, all things to all men and have been for thousands of years. Its story goes back five thousand years or more and has its origins in the beginnings of human society and there seems little doubt that opium will be there to help relieve the suffering, and indeed be the cause in certain cases, when civilization itself comes to an end. How can such a small, fragile flower be responsible for both relieving and causing so much suffering to humanity?
… read more...To try and address this question this book investigates that complex relationship.Read More read less...