Original Gangster: The Rise and Fall of the Original Billionaire Heroin Dealer Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Original Gangster: The Rise and Fall of the Original Billionaire Heroin Dealer Book

Criminals are not born in a vacuum and Frank Lucas is no exception. At the age of six he watched his cousin die in a lynching and in that moment of Southern brutality Frank Lucas notorious gangster billion-dollar-heroin importer and true-life inspiration for the film "American Gangster" was born. "Original Gangster" is the story of the most notorious black gangster to ever rule the streets of New York. From running numbers in the 50s to importing millions of dollars of heroin in the 70s to losing it all at the hands of a snitch Lucas' story is the ultimate tale of ambition hubris and downfall. Lucas story has gone down in history - he is notorious for cutting out middlemen in the drug trade and buying heroin directly from his source in Southeast Asia and smuggling it back in the coffins of dead US servicemen. Seven years of Lucas' life were dramatised for the recent film "American Gangster" but this is the first time that the mythic figure depicted in the film tells the story himself. The book delves further into the story of Lucas and shows just what a folk hero he is to contemporary urban audiences.Told in the first person to acclaimed journalist TK "Original Gangster" is a brutally honest account of a gangster and his times. Lucas' story is a modern fable and Lucas a mythical figure within it.Read More

from£16.18 | RRP: £11.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £11.04
  • 0091928664
  • 9780091928667
  • Frank Lucas
  • 10 June 2010
  • Ebury Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 320
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