Outdoor Kitchens and Fireplaces (Schiffer Books) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Outdoor Kitchens and Fireplaces (Schiffer Books) Book

Outdoor living is heating up the marketplace today, and more and more people take their leisure time outdoors. Toward that end, they're bringing the kitchen with them, along with a blazing fire to warm and illuminate their yards into the later hours. This book offers the largest collection of images of landscapes, outdoor kitchens, and fireplaces available on the market today, and with those gorgeous photos come hundreds of ideas. Live vicariously as you leaf through these pages, and then make the dream come true in your own backyard with some of the many inspirations found here.Read More

from£14.33 | RRP: £16.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £14.14
  • 0764329553
  • 9780764329555
  • Tina Skinner
  • 1 March 2008
  • Schiffer Publishing Ltd
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 112
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