Overcoming Low Self-esteem: Pt. 1: Self-help Course Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Overcoming Low Self-esteem: Pt. 1: Self-help Course Book

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy treats emotional disorders by changing negative patterns of thought. It is now internationally established as a key method of helping overcome longstanding conditions such as panic attacks, depression, anxiety, gambling addictions and some eating disorders. The first thing that is attractive about this book is the total lack of "technicalese"; this, coupled with its logical construction makes it not only interesting but also easily accessible to the lay reader. To begin with, a guest author explains the history, meaning and relevance of cognitive therapy. This is followed by Melanie Fennell focusing on "Low Self Esteem" as an introduction to the main body of the book. The reader is then asked to participate in a self-assessment exercise. Having read more...
from£9.45 | RRP: £7.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.85
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