Overseas Research Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Overseas Research Book

A guidebook to the real-life challenges of living and working in the developing world. It covers the various aspects of the experience: choosing where to work, preparation for departure, finding somewhere to live, conducting research in an unfamiliar environment, and organising for and adjusting to the return home.Read More

from£34.37 | RRP: £29.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £17.82
  • Blackwell

    Researchers in developing countries often find that the particular country in which they work presents a range of unforeseen challenges. Indeed, their ability to carry out effective scholarship is often highly dependent on these factors.

  • Pickabook

    Christopher B. Barrett, Jeffrey Cason

  • 0415778344
  • 9780415778343
  • Christopher B. Barrett, Jeffrey Cason
  • 4 March 2010
  • Routledge
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 184
  • 2nd Revised edition
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