Parameter Estimation, Condition Monitoring, and Diagnosis of Electrical Machines (Monographs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Parameter Estimation, Condition Monitoring, and Diagnosis of Electrical Machines (Monographs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering) Book

Parameter Estimation, Condition Monitoring, and Diagnosis of Electrical Machines : Hardback : Oxford University Press : 9780198593751 : 0198593759 : 18 Mar 1993 : Offers a discussion of on-line and off-line parameter estimation of smooth-air-gap and salient-pole electrical machines and their diagnosis and condition monitoring. This book presents a physical and mathematical analysis of the various parameter estimators and condition-monitoring methods.Read More

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  • Product Description

    Condition monitoring of electrical machines and drive systems is a vital factor to achieve efficient and profitable operation of a large variety of industrial processes. Similarly, parameter estimation is important for the machine designer, and invaluable to the operator of modern drives implementing various types of controllers. It is also necessary to know the machine parameters for a number of simulation purposes. The chapters in this volume cover recent trends and advances in these and other areas, including sections on on-line and off-line parameter estimation of smooth-air-gap and salient-pole electrical machines, their diagnosis, and condition monitoring. New real-time monitoring devices, vibroacoustic techniques, and the symptoms and possible causes of failures of electrical machines are also discussed. In the book a unified and in-depth physical and mathematical analysis of the various parameter estimators and condition monitoring methods is presented. For this purpose, where possible, space phasor theory is utilized and the most recent and modern developments in the field are incorporated. The book is intended for academic and professional electrical engineers, and all those responsible for the performance, maintenance, and design of electrical machines and drive systems.

  • 0198593759
  • 9780198593751
  • Peter Vas
  • 11 February 1993
  • Clarendon Press
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 384
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