Patterns in Java: A Catalog of Enterprise Design Patterns Illustrated with UML v. 3 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Patterns in Java: A Catalog of Enterprise Design Patterns Illustrated with UML v. 3 Book

A how-to guide for Java programmers who want to use design patterns when developing real-world enterprise applications This practical book explores the subject of design patterns, or patterns that occur in the design phase of a project's life cycle. With an emphasis on Java for the enterprise, Mark Grand guides Java programmers on how to apply traditional and new patterns when designing a large enterprise application. The author clearly explains how existing patterns work with the new enterprise design patterns and demonstrates through case studies how to use design patterns in the real world. Features include over 50 design patterns, each mapped out by UML, plus an overview of UML 1.4 and how it fits in with the different phases of a project's life cycle.Read More

from£42.52 | RRP: £31.50
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.90
  • 0471333158
  • 9780471333159
  • Mark Grand
  • 23 November 2001
  • John Wiley & Sons
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 416
  • Volume 3
  • Illustrated
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