Paul Cardinal Cullen: Portrait of a Practical Nationalist Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Paul Cardinal Cullen: Portrait of a Practical Nationalist Book

`The poorest country that one can know,' according to a Vatican report from the mid-nineteenth century, was Ireland. It was to this country, beset with a variety of problems that Paul Cullen, having spent almost thirty years in Rome, returned in 1850. For twenty-eight years this ecclesiastic, who was destined to become Ireland's first ever Cardinal, dominated Irish ecclesiastical and religious life. His influence in Church affairs was so great that his achievements have been described as `the Cullenisation of Ireland.'Read More

from£32.00 | RRP: £19.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.82
  • 1847301312
  • 9781847301314
  • Ciaran O'Carroll
  • 1 November 2008
  • Veritas Publications
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 321
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