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Peculiarities of German History: Bourgeois Society and Politics in Nineteenth-century Germany Book
"A well-written, stimulating...piece of scholarship." --German Studies Review. In a major re-evaluation of the cultural, political, and sociological assumptions about the "peculiar" course of modern German history, the authors challenge the widely-held belief that Germany did not have a Western-style bourgeois revolution. Contending that it did indeed experience one, but that this had little to do with the mythical rising of the middle class, the authors provide a new context for viewing the tensions and instability of 19th-and early 20th-century Germany.Read More
from£35.24 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £55.15
- 0198730586
- 9780198730583
- David Blackbourn, Geoff Eley
- 13 December 1984
- Oxford University Press
- Hardcover (Book)
- 308
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