Perception and Imaging Book
Taking photographs has become easier over the years, but taking photographs that have impact and lasting power has not. Such images require heart, and some understanding of the factors that make an image noteworthy. Perception and Imaging, Second Edition will lead you into areas and concepts that will spark your intellectual curiosity and assist you in your image making. What is known about vision and the visual process is overwhelming; what is directly applicable to pictures is not. Perception and Imaging, Second Edition is the visual artist's gateway to the principles that drive visual perception. Perception and Imaging, Second Edition invites you to explore the domain of the subconscious and collective unconscious, and the role subliminals, secondary images, and archetypes play; the … read more...role of memory and association, and why ambiguity and illusion are an important components; why soft and hard contours (edges) are critical to sharpness, contrast, color, and depth perception; and how visual rhetoric has been used to give impact to photographs, advertisements, posters, promotional material, and motion pictures. Perception and Imaging, Second Edition is for anyone and everyone involved with visual images and has a desire to better understand them. Many examples of metaphor, metonymy, paradox, pun, homology, hyperbole, ellipses, inversion chiasmus, allusion, and other rhetorical devices.A new enlarged section on color, with 15 new color images presenting color measurement and notation, color connotations, color illusions, color constancy, color synesthesia, metamerism, and defective color vision.The chapter on Critique has been expanded to include the use of Group Dynamics. Photographs are polysemantic, possessing layered meanings. Read More read less...
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 024080466X
- 9780240804668
- Richard D. Zakia
- 8 January 2002
- Focal Press
- Paperback (Book)
- 336
- 2
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