Persuasion: Theory and Research (Current Communication: An Advanced Text) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Persuasion: Theory and Research (Current Communication: An Advanced Text) Book

If you're searching for a comprehensive text in persuasion theory and research, you can find no better resource than Persuasion. Written in an accessible style that assumes no special technical background in research methods, this volume offers a comprehensive and critical treatment of theory aRead More

from£95.85 | RRP: £44.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.89
  • ASDA

    The Second Edition of Persuasion combines a discussion of research on the production of persuasive messages with more traditional research on the study of message effects. It covers the theory of reasoned action contains new chapters on functional approaches to attitude and behavioural change and new material on persuasive campaigns.

  • Blackwell

    This comprehensive text provides a thorough and critical treatment of persuasion theory and research from a social science perspective. Daniel J. O'Keefe includes a discussion of research on the production of persuasive messages as well as more...

  • 0761925392
  • 9780761925392
  • Daniel J. O'Keefe
  • 12 March 2002
  • Sage Publications, Inc
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 384
  • Second Edition
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