A comprehensive introduction to physics is provided by this book which devotes many sections to basic physics and applications of fundamental principles. The text treats physics as an experimental science, not as an abstract discipline. It relates physics to everyday and other scientific fields, with an emphasis on life sciences and biology. There is extensive use of examples involving biological and chemical systems and alternative energy sources. Entire sections and chapters are devoted to applications of physics, covering subjects such as nerve conduction, ionizing radiation, and nuclear magnetic resonance. This edition of Physics contains additional chapters on parallel axis theorem, spherical mirrors, twin paradox, and blackbody radiation. Discussions of applications such as
… read more...tomography, NMR, PET Scans, and nuclear safety and accidents, have been expanded and updated. New materials for the third edition include Coriolis forces and wind patterns, large scale atmospheric motions and monsoons, models of the earth's crust, hysteresis and magnetic disk-storage, auditory localization by barn owls, reflectance, rainbows, superconductivity, superstrings, and radon in the house. Furthermore, over 50 examples and nearly 300 exercises and problems have been added. This edition uses only SI units and units approved for use with that system.Read More read less...