Plug in Drug: Television, Computers and Family Life Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Plug in Drug: Television, Computers and Family Life Book

How does the passive act of watching television and other electronic media-regardless of their content-affect a developing child's relationship to the real world? Focusing on this crucial question, Marie Winn takes a compelling look at television's impact on children and the family. Winn's classic study has been extensively updated to address the new media landscape, including new sections on: computers, video games, the VCR, the V-Chip and other control devices, TV programming for babies, television and physical health, and gaining control of your TV.Read More

from£12.66 | RRP: £10.17
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.39
  • 0142001082
  • 9780142001080
  • Marie Winn
  • 6 December 2001
  • Penguin Books Australia
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 352
  • 25th Anniversary edition
  • Special Edition
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