Politics for Beginners: 1 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Politics for Beginners: 1 Book

The Sunday Times Children's Book of the Week January 2018 Understanding politics is essential to understanding the world around us. This accessible, colourful guide is an invaluable resource for helping children understand the decisions that shape the world as well as providing a key aid to parents looking for help in answering even the most complicated questions about how politics works. This informative guide covers the key topics, from elections and government to fake news, immigration and human rights. With bright, infographic-style illustrations, contents and index pages for easy reference, and links to specially selected websites with more information. 'This entertaining book does an admirable job of explaining politics... An excellent trigger for debate.' - The Sunday TimesRead More

from£8.60 | RRP: £
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.47
  • TheBookPeople

    So many young people are getting interested and involved in politics and this accessibly illustrated book helps children as young as 9 understand more about this complex world.It reveals what an election is, how people get to become prime minister or president and how immigration works. It also covers topics including capitalism, socialism, nationalism, terrorism, voting systems, free speech and human rights.Published by Usborne, this is a great book for children to dip in and out of.

  • BookDepository

    Politics for Beginners : Hardback : Usborne Publishing Ltd : 9781474922524 : : 31 Oct 2018 : An informative guide to political systems, elections, voting and government and issues including feminism, human rights, freedom of speech and fake news, all explained with clear text and bright, infographic style illustrations. Includes tips on how to argue and debate, a glossary, and links to specially selected websites with more information.

  • 9781474922524
  • 9781474922524
  • , Kellan Stover
  • 8 February 2018
  • Usborne Publishing Ltd
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 128
  • Book
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