Poverty and Development Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Poverty and Development Book

Aims to help students of development economics, international politics, history, geography, and anthropology to see through over-simple analyses and solutions to understand what is perhaps the world's most complex and pressing problem area. Each chapter introduces the student to a key topic, using questions, diagrams, tables, and photographs.Read More

from£50.43 | RRP: £42.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.33
  • Blackwell

    This is the second edition of the immensely successful international text Poverty and Development in the 1990s. Each chapter introduces the student to a key topic, and is written by a specialist. This is the second edition of the immensely...

  • Pickabook

    Tim Allen (Editor), Alan Thomas (Editor)

  • 0198776268
  • 9780198776260
  • 6 January 2000
  • OUP Oxford
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 584
  • 2
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