Primary Care of the Newborn: Mobile Medicine Series: A Mosby Handbook Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Primary Care of the Newborn: Mobile Medicine Series: A Mosby Handbook Book

Primary Care of the Newborn serves as a comprehensive pocket-sized resource for the care of full-term newborns, including well-baby development, appropriate tests, monitoring the newborn, non-acute disease management, and patient education. It is written for pediatricians, family physicians, obstetricians, perinatologist, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and students who care for babies in the first hours of life.* Speeds information gathering with anthropometric charts and tables, procedures, laboratory observations and other essential data collected in appendices. * Makes access to vital information quick and accurate with outline formatting. * Presents cutting-edge information in chapters on prenatal diagnosis, screening, and genetics. * Offers relevant tables on cultural and religious considerations affecting care of the newborn.Read More

from£31.99 | RRP: £32.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.06
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